The field of medicine focusing on the health of the urinary system is known as urology. Individuals
Heart disease covers problems with the heart or its big blood vessels where the heart doesn’t
Stomach infections can be a real pain – literally. Whether it is a bout of stomach flu, food
Kidney stones are extremely painful, and anyone who has suffered from them can understand the
Did you know that viral hepatitis affects millions of people worldwide? According to the World
In today’s world, being overweight is not considered a basic lifestyle problem. People
According to the research, around 12% of the population suffers from urinary stones in India. Among
Kidney stones are a common health concern that can significantly impact your quality of life. These
The prostate is a male reproductive organ that controls urination and ejaculation. The prostate has
In today’s world, people have become more inclined toward consuming junk and street foods. As a
Have you ever found yourself struggling to identify the faces of your colleagues or acquaintances,
The kidneys are the small reddish-brown bean-shaped organs situated on either side of the spine,
Breathing is something we often take for granted until it becomes a struggle. For individuals
A highly beneficial niche treatment performed for the treatment of injury, disease, or disorder is
The world was taken by storm when renowned singer Justin Bieber released a video on Instagram
Metabolism refers to the biochemical processes in the cells of living organisms to sustain life.
The world is observing several diseases flourishing globally after the COVID-19 outbreak. One such
The heart is a vital organ that significantly impacts our well-being and physical functioning. Our
Diabetes is when the body does not produce enough insulin or cannot use insulin properly (insulin
Welcome to our blog on high blood pressure, a condition that demands our attention. High blood