Swelling in Your Legs – Is There a Problem With Your Kidneys?


Dr (Lt. General) Umesh Kumar Sharma Senior Consultant Nephrology

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 Swelling in Your Legs – Is There a Problem With Your Kidneys?

Swelling over the legs or edema as it is medically termed, can result from a variety of conditions of which kidney disease is the commonest cause. Kidneys play a vital role in cleaning the blood of toxic wastes, controlling blood pressure, and filtering excess water out of the body.

In the absence of proper kidney function, waste products and fluid can build up in our body which can cause swelling in your ankles among other symptoms. Retention of water points towards a wide variety of kidney problems – ranging from acute kidney injury, nephrotic syndrome, and chronic kidney disease.

However, it could also be a result of other conditions such as:

  • Thyroid disease;
  • Severe anemia and protein malnutrition;
  • Certain drugs like blood pressure medicines;
  • Heart or liver disease;
  • And in women due to some hormonal imbalances.

Swelling and Kidney Disease – What is The Link?

First and foremost, if you observe swelling over the feet or ankles, do not panic and consult your healthcare provider without any delay as excess fluid buildup can lead to breathlessness.

The first step is to identify the cause of the problem – a kidney specialist will advise some investigations like urine examination, kidney function test, and ultrasound to know the exact cause of swelling and whether it is giving any sign of kidney problem.

Among kidney diseases, nephrotic syndrome and acute kidney injury are eminently treatable. Chronic kidney disease (CKD), another common cause of edema, is a group of conditions with evidence of kidney damage and a significant effect on kidney function for more than three months.

Diabetes and hypertension are the common causes of CKD; and edema is usually a late symptom of the disease. The best way to diagnose the condition is to investigate high-risk individuals to catch it early and improve treatment outcomes. Usually, CKD is progressive in nature; however, a number of treatments can help slow the progression of the disease.

Nephrotic syndrome is a condition in which the protein leaks into the urine resulting in decreased levels of protein in the blood accompanied by water retention. Kidney function is generally preserved in this condition.

Nephrotic syndrome can present in any age group right from newborns to the elderly. Most patients undergo additional tests such as kidney biopsy to know the underlying cause of the disease. Nephrotic syndrome is one of the commonest causes of edema in children and most of them respond well to steroids. Adults also respond to
treatment in most cases.

Acute kidney injury results in a temporary shutdown of kidney function and with timely diagnosis, it is often completely curable and reversible.

When swelling in your legs is accompanied by the following symptoms of kidney problem, it may point to kidney disease as the primary cause.

  • Blood in urine
  • Low blood protein
  • Increased blood urea and creatinine levels
  • High levels of blood cholesterol
  • High blood pressure
  • Frothy urine
  • Reduced urination
  • Low hemoglobin
  • High blood PTH levels
  • Abnormal electrolyte levels
  • Reduced eGFR
  • Abnormal kidneys in ultrasound

It is important to treat edema at the earliest to avoid complications such as accumulation of water in the lungs and infections. Treatment is focused on reducing fluid build-up and one of the best ways to do this is by reducing salt intake and regular exercise.

When swelling is seen in the legs, elevating them whenever possible is also helpful. In cases, where there is a need for further treatment to control the edema, your nephrologist will prescribe water pills or diuretics to promote urine production.

A person suffering from high blood pressure may be prescribed medications to lower blood pressure. Further treatment depends on the results of the investigations carried out.


In all this, you need to remember to avoid self-medication under all conditions including the use of unscientific and un-validated therapies which are widely available on social media as it could lead to more harm. If you notice any kind of kidney problem symptoms, get in touch with your healthcare doctor and get the best-suited advice.

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