Late-Night Snacks To Help You Sleep Better


Dr. Shamsher Dwivedee Chairman

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 Late-Night Snacks To Help You Sleep Better

Do you also like many others wish to sleep like a child ?… Well if you ask a Doctor, this would be one wish that no one can grant you with and for reasons good enough too. The primary one being the fact that infant sleep patterns are way different from those of adults. Studies reveal that sleep patterns change with the various stages of life and it is an absolutely normal process.

But then there are some of us who owing to myriad reasons go off track from our natural sleeping routines. While anxiety and pressure could be one reason for sleep disorders but a lot of it arises from our unusual food habits too. As such sticking to a good food habit in addition to a bunch of other benefits serves us well in getting a good sleep too. In this blog, we list the best foods to help you sleep better so that the next time you go grocery shopping you make it a point to include these items too in your bucket list.


Melatonin is key for maintaining a healthy sleep cycle and a good natural source for it are tart cherries. Eating some fresh tart cherries just before sleep has been proven to increase sleep durations as well as quality. A handful of dried tart cherries before bedtime will do a world of good if you wish to sleep tight and well.


Your eyes must have lit up when you read this!. Dark chocolate, if taken in adequate quantity, has a soothing effect on your mind and body. It is rich in serotonin and research shows that boosting serotonin levels help in sleeping well and plus it is equally beneficial for your heart too!!.

Whole Wheat Bread/Cereals

Wheat bread/cereal are natural antidotes for stress and anxiety. They are rich in tryptophan which helps reduce uneasiness in adults. A late-night bite of whole bread or a handful of cereals can help you get healthy sleep. Experts also suggest refraining from adding milk to cereals as it might prevent tryptophan from reaching the brain.

Glass of Warm Milk

While this is not a food item but then something that works well for children, adolescents and adults alike. Warm milk raises your body temperature and subsequently triggers the sleep-clock. Good advice would be to make it a habit for leveraging the additional benefits too.

We hope that the above information was helpful to you and hopefully you will try to adopt some of the items from the list above for a sound and healthy sleep. However, in case your sleeping disorders persist longer than usual, visit us at PSRI. We have a team of highly qualified surgeons who expertise in the treatment of sleep disorders with quality care. The team is headed by Dr. Shamsher Dwivedee, Chairman, PSRI Institute of Neuroscience, who has 30 years of experience in clinical neurology.

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