Types Of Hearing Aids And How To Choose the Right One


Dr. Meena Agrawal Hon. Senior Consultant (ENT)

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 Types Of Hearing Aids And How To Choose the Right One

There are around 60 million people in today’s world who have hearing loss issues in overall India. For people facing hearing loss conditions, hearing aids provide big support. It can not restore the actual and normal hearing but helps enhance the ability to hear in the suffering people. It plays a vital role in improving the overall quality of life.

Nowadays, there are a huge variety of aids present in the marketplace, which helps people to be able to listen to the world. The type of hearing aids that people get varies from others and depends upon the issues they face.

What do you Understand About a Hearing Aid?

An electronic device recommended by people who suffer from hearing loss conditions is known as a hearing aid. It is either worn inside or behind the ear. The National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD) suggests that this device helps in enhancing the hearing in the ear by magnifying the sound variations. The hearing aid consists of three different parts, namely:

  • Amplifier
  • Microphone
  • Speaker

The microphone helps in absorbing sound coming from different sources. Once the sound is absorbed, it gets converted into electrical signals. The signals transfer into the amplifier and get more powered there. The amplifier is responsible for sending it with the help of a speaker to the ear.

Types of Hearing Aids

Mentioned below are the primary types of hearing devices that help people improve their hearing skills.

  • Behind-the-ear (BTE)
  • In-the-ear (ITE)
  • In-the-canal (ITC)
  • Receiver-in-canal (RIC)

Behind-the-ear (BTE)

A BTE or Behind-the-ear aid, as the name implies, is placed behind the ear. It has a clear connecting tube which is attached to the earmold. It has different parts; microphone, battery compartment, and controls. These parts rest in a compartment behind the ear. It is suitable for the extreme to a mild level of hearing loss.

These hearing aids are sturdy, easy to handle and require less effort to be maintained. Doctors frequently recommend it to children. As the child grows, the earmold can be replaced.

In-the-ear (ITE)

The ITE or in-the-ear hearing aids are placed inside a shell filled in the ear’s outer part. They are slightly larger in comparison to the ITC aids. But they can be easily handled. The ITEs hold a special power and potential to install a telecoil. It is one of the biggest advantages of using In-the-year aids. It makes communication over calls easier and best suits people with severe to mild hearing loss issues.

In-the-canal (ITC)

The ITC or in-the-canal aid is placed inside the ear canal. It is very lightweight and made with a plastic shell. It is quite easy to use and maintain. It is specially made according to the shape and size of people’s ears and, thus, is more comfortable than the other aids. It is not recommended for people who have profound hearing loss. It works best for severe to moderate hearing loss conditions.

Receiver-in-canal (RIC)

The RIC or receiver-in-canal is a receiver-style aid inserted into people’s ear canals. The size of the receiver is small, and the connection tube is almost invisible. Compared to the BTE aids, the RICs are smaller and best suited for people with moderate to mild levels of hearing loss.

How To Choose The Right Types Of Hearing Aids For You?

All types of hearing aids are different, some of them might be similar, but they can not be the same. The hearing aid people use depends upon multiple factors. They can decide the best one for themselves by taking some trial and error. Mentioned below are some of the common tricks that people should keep in mind before going ahead with a particular type of aid.

1. Get a medical checkup

Before purchasing a hearing aid, people should always visit the doctor. The doctor can help people by recommending the best one according to their condition. You can also have a hearing test at the doctor’s place. They can suggest to people by telling them the best suit for them.

2. Have a test drive

People who are done with the deciding part can ask for a test drive with hearing aids. Multiple companies in the marketplace offer a trial period. Before purchasing from the shop, people should always ask for complete details about the trial period. Ensure the aid is refundable if you might have a chance to return it.

3. Stay away from the misleading claiming ads

Several companies present on the internet, T.V., or on different platforms are frauds. They advertise their products with misleading information and claims. While buying from an online platform, people must consult a doctor, check the product’s review, etc., before moving forward.

The Bottom Line

Hearing aids are small devices specially designed to enhance hearing power among people who face hearing loss conditions. The doctors help people facing such conditions by suggesting the best aid for hearing according to their issues. Please explore the website to know more about aids, hearing aids, how they work, and more.

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