Liver Pain: Major Symptoms Treatment & Causes


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 Liver Pain: Major Symptoms Treatment & Causes

The liver is one of the body’s most important organs and plays multiple vital roles in the human body. It helps fight infections, clean and remove waste from the blood, and more. It takes care of the metabolism and has a special ability to repair itself from damage. However, it can be life-threatening if the liver stops functioning properly. Some people might feel liver pain, which can occur due to multiple reasons. It is essential to recognize the major liver pain causes and get liver pain treatment to prevent irreversible issues.

In this blog, let’s know more about where is liver pain located, its causes, treatments, and more.

Where is Liver Pain Located?

Liver pain location is usually in the upper right abdomen, just below the ribs. This area is where the liver is located in the upper right quadrant of the abdomen. Sometimes, liver pain can radiate to the right shoulder or between the shoulder blades. If you’re wondering where is your liver, it is situated in the upper right part of the abdomen, and knowing this helps in identifying potential liver-related issues. This refers to the pain location associated with liver issues.

What are Liver Pain Causes?

The pain occurring in the liver might be due to different issues. Mentioned below are some of the major problems which affect the liver.

  • Excessive alcohol consumption
  • Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
  • Cirrhosis
  • Hepatitis, or liver inflammation
  • Reye’s syndrome, which causes liver and brain swelling
  • Hemochromatosis: the buildup of more amount of iron
  • Liver cancer
  • Budd-Chiari syndrome, in which veins from the liver are blocked
  • Wilson’s disease, which causes the buildup of too much copper
  • Portal vein thrombosis, in which the vein to the liver is blocked or narrowed
  • Liver cancer
  • A liver abscess or pocket of infection
  • Liver cysts, or sac-like growths
  • Liver trauma or injury

Few people face pain in their body parts when liver issues occur. However, some other body regions and organs surrounding liver tissues might start hurting as they have no pain receptors or cells. Mostly, the shoulders and neck areas start to get hurt. The pain associated with liver disease often strikes the peritoneum.

Therefore, it is tough for people to find out the actual location of the pain. It is a membrane responsible for lining all the organs and abdominal walls within themselves.

What do People Feel While Having Liver Pain Symptoms?

The liver is located near the bottom of the rib cage. If you’re wondering where is the liver located in the human body, it’s positioned slightly towards the right side of the abdomen compared to the left. The liver is also present just above the stomach on the left side of the abdomen, while the small intestine is on the right side.

The pain generally occurs in the liver and is difficult to diagnose because of its different formations. Knowing that the liver doesn’t have any nerves is essential. Therefore, it is difficult for it to sense any pain. The discomfort felt is generally the outcome of inflammation or damage to the surrounding tissues.

Almost 80 percent of people who have cirrhosis, a condition involving the liver’s scarring, complain about having pain. The pain they feel is usually stated as throbbing or dull. The pain is often felt in the abdomen; however, people with cirrhosis might also complain of pain in their shoulder, backside, large joints, etc.

Sometimes, liver disease can also be a source of referred pain. Patients feel discomfort in body parts other than the actual issue in these situations. The most common sites of pain people feel are in the neck and shoulder region.

What are The Liver Disease Symptoms?

People suffering from liver diseases feel different issues rather than only having pain. Mentioned below are some of the major symptoms of people with liver disease other than liver pain.

  • Fatigue
  • Yellowing of the skin or whites of the eyes (jaundice)
  • Dark-colored urine
  • Swelling in the ankles or legs
  • Itchy skin
  • Loss of appetite

How Can Liver Pain Be Treated?

The liver pain caused by any short-term issues associated with the diet or alcohol usage might be treated with the help of home remedies. Mentioned below are some common remedies people can follow to cure liver pain while at home.

  • Drinking more water
  • Avoiding alcohol
  • Steering clear of fatty foods
  • Checking your posture and sitting up straight to take pressure off your liver
  • Consuming enough protein
  • Watching your cholesterol
  • Exercising

People having frequent or continuous pain can try home remedies. However, they can consult doctors if it does not provide any benefits. The doctors usually prescribe a regimen that includes a balanced diet, some physical exercises, and specific medications according to the liver issue. The medication prescribed is as follows:

  • For hepatitis C, ledipasvir/sofosbuvir (Harvoni)
  • For hepatitis B, antiviral medications like lamivudine (Epivir) and adefovir (Hepsera) can be used to treat chronic liver infections.
  • Rifaximin to prevent ammonia buildup
  • Lactulose to lower ammonia levels.

In some extreme cases where people suffer from serious liver issues, liver doctors suggest they undergo liver dialysis (the blood is purified) or a liver transplant.

The Bottom Line

The liver is one of the essential organs in the human body, and it is responsible for performing multiple vital functions such as filtering blood, protecting from infections, and more. If you’re wondering where is your liver or where is the liver located, it’s in the upper right quadrant of the abdomen. However, the liver doesn’t have pain cells; thus, the problems in the liver are felt in different parts of the body, usually in the abdomen. People suffering from liver pain must visit PSRI Hospital or explore the website to know more.


How to stop liver pain immediately?

Apply a heating pad or warm compress to the upper right abdomen for 10-15 minutes to ease pain and relax muscles. Also, drink ginger tea or take ginger supplements to reduce inflammation causing the pain. Getting rest helps the liver rejuvenate and stops the discomfort faster as well.

What foods should you avoid when experiencing liver pain?

You should avoid fatty, greasy, sugary, and salty foods, which can further irritate the liver. Stick to a diet of fresh fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains.

When should you see a doctor for liver pain?

See a doctor if the pain persists for over 2 days, is very severe, accompanied by a fever, yellowing skin/eyes, or other concerning symptoms. This may indicate a serious liver condition.

What medications help ease liver pain?

Over-the-counter medications like acetaminophen, ibuprofen, or naproxen may help reduce liver pain and inflammation. Prescription meds like URSO, lactulose, or rifaximin may also be prescribed for certain liver conditions. Check with your doctor.

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