The Importance of maintaining Healthy Body Weight


Dr. Rakesh Tandon Senior Gastroenterologist & Chairman

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 The Importance of maintaining Healthy Body Weight

You must have heard about the saying ‘Health is Wealth’! Well, this is absolutely true, you will be surprised to know that just by maintaining healthy body weight; you can actually prevent yourself from many diseases. And if you have a family history of diseases like diabetes, heart problem, blood pressure etc. then you better get going! Over 50% of people including children in the world are obese. The urgency of the hour is to control these figures in order to live a healthy future.

What is Healthy Weight?

Controlled weight can save you from many diseases as well as health issues. If you already have some health issues like heart diseases, bone-related diseases, sleep apnea, etc. then you can combat them by reducing weight to the acceptable numbers.

  • Decrease the Risk of Cancer– Being overweight can make you more prone to all types of cancers as the fatty tissues release a hormone called estrogen and other harmful hormones which can become cancerous at later stages.
  • Better Heart– An overweight person’s heart needs to works very hard in pumping the blood all over the body organs. On the contrary a normal weighted person’s heart will easily pump the blood to the body. So by reducing your excess weight you can have a healthy heart actually.
  • Stay Motivated– There is no person in the world that would not like to see him or her in his old dress. Once you have been successful in shedding those extra kgs you feel motivated to achieve more and in this process your body is the main beneficiary!
  • Diabetes– Diabetes is one of the largest spreading diseases in the world. You can prevent this by maintaining an ideal body weight. Even medical experts have certified that maintaining a healthy weight helps in controlling surging sugar levels.
  • HealthyJoints – Going by simple logic, the more you put weight on your joints, the more stressed they get leading to conditions like arthritis as well. So you must maintain a good weight which doesn’t put extra load on your joints.

A healthy weight can help you get better and sound sleeping patterns. These were some benefits of maintaining healthy body weight. It can be understood with the help of a simple logic; the body is your home and you need to keep it clutter free and clean as much as possible. So make sure you prevent your body from any dangerous disease and the key to this is maintaining a healthy weight. PSRI Hospital’s dietitians work towards promoting health through appropriate nutrition.

Know more about weight management and other gastroenterological diseases under the guidance of Senior Gastroenterologist and Chairman Dr. Rakesh Tandon.

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