How to Avoid Shoulder Pain When You Are Sleeping


Dr. Madhujeet Gupta Senior Consultant Pain Physician

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 How to Avoid Shoulder Pain When You Are Sleeping

The human body heals and repairs itself while sleeping. But some people can observe that their shoulders start to hurt after they wake up. In some cases, the pre-existing pain in the shoulder muscles gets worse. There might be several causes behind the shoulder pain while sleeping. But people can follow some preventive measures, remedies, etc., to avoid pain.

How Does Shoulder Pain Occur While Sleeping?

In almost all cases, shoulder pain while sleeping occurs due to the injury of soft tissues. The pain occurs on one side or both sides of the shoulder. It involves the ligaments, muscles, and tendons, which are responsible for the following issues:

  • Shoulder pain
  • Neck pain
  • Muscle spasms
  • Stiffness
  • Headache, etc.

Sometimes, people keep holding their necks in awkward positions for longer times. It leads to strains and spasms in the shoulder and neck regions. Mentioned below are some of the common sleeping positions that generate more pain and make people feel uncomfortable.

  • Sleeping on a too high or too flat pillow
  • Spending the whole night sitting at the workstation, which is incorrectly set up
  • Looking at the mobile phone while laying on the bed
  • Clenching or grinding the nail for overall night

How To Avoid Shoulder Pain While Sleeping?

Below are some of the steps through which people can avoid shoulder pain after waking up from sleep.

Change The Pillow

If you sleep on a pillow that is either too high or too low, you can have severe pain in the shoulder. Thus, pillows are recommended, which keep the neck in a neutral alignment. These kinds of pillows help keep the neck’s natural curve maintained and supported with it. Some of the doctors recommend using a pillow of contour shape. It is specially manufactured to offer extra support to the neck while you sleep on it.

Replace The Mattress With A New One

One of the factors that make a huge difference in the quality of your sleep is the mattress itself. People often opt for the mattress, which is extra soft, deep, and makes the body sink in. However, most people don’t know that these mattresses are not good enough for the human body, and they should avoid them.

A mattress which is too hard is also a reason for the pain. People should choose a mattress which is medium to firm. It helps in supporting the neck, shoulder and back while sleeping.

Avoid Sleeping On The Stomach

Sleeping on the stomach is not a good habit, and doctors strictly recommend not to sleep in such a position. People who have the habit of sleeping on their stomachs suffer more than others. They can experience severe shoulder pain while sleeping. In this position, their necks are rotated for long periods, which results in strains in shoulder muscles.

Change The Sleeping Position

The best way to sleep is either on the back or the side. If you face shoulder pain while sleeping, try a new sleeping position that might help you. People who prefer to sleep on their backs can place a pillow between their knees. It helps in maintaining and supporting the shoulder and lower back.

However, people who sleep on their side should observe if their pillow is at a good height or not. They should place a pillow in between their knees which can help in keeping the spine in a balanced position. If you’re having pain in one side of the shoulder, avoid sleeping on the particular side. You can sleep either on the opposite side or on the back.

Enhance And Maintain The Sleeping Habits

People who are having shoulder pain while sleeping even after changing the pillow, mattress, and more should need to look over their general sleeping habits. Mentioned below are some of the questions that they need to answer themselves.

  • Are you getting proper sleep every night?
  • Do you consume more caffeinated drinks every day, especially in the evening?
  • Are you spending too much time on the phone while laying in bed?
  • Do you spend more time looking at your laptop or your phone before going to sleep?

People should observe what’s going wrong in their general sleeping schedule and resolve them.

Quick Home Remedy For Overcoming The Shoulder Pain

People have used multiple home remedies over the past years. The RICE remedy is one of the best methods to remove shoulder pain while sleeping and is recommended by the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases. The RICE approach involves the following:

Rest- Provide rest to the shoulder for around 48 hours.
Ice- An ice pack should be applied to the shoulder four to eight times every day.
Compress- The shoulder should be compressed using a bandage or wrap.
Elevate- The shoulder should be elevated above the chest.

The Bottom Line

The sleeping position, unsuitable pillow, mattress, etc., can cause shoulder pain while sleeping. Sometimes the pain can cause an injury, disease, or particular condition.

Therefore, it is essential to look over the cause rather than take it lightly. Explore the website to know more.

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