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Pushpawati Singhania Hospital & Research Institute is recognized by the National Board of Examination INBE) for the training of the post Graduate Doctors in the fields of Super Specialties, through a three year structure course.


PSRI is a dedicated centre for medical education and training to establish a centre of excellence in training and education. The centre gives a cutting edge to the medical personnel and enables them to deliver the best in healthcare by consistently upgrading their skill set. PSRI is a dedicated centre for medical education and training to establish a centre of excellence in training and education. The centre gives a cutting edge to the medical personnel and enables them to deliver the best in healthcare by consistently upgrading their skill set.


The medical educational programs are specifically governed by General Laws of the country, more specifically Consumer Protection Laws which restrict unfair trade practices including substandard services than promised and violation of specific contractual obligations. The medical educational programs are specifically governed by General Laws of the country, more specifically Consumer Protection Laws which restrict unfair trade practices including substandard service, than promised and violation of specific contractual obligations.

DNB Courses

The holders of Board’s qualification awarded after DNB examination are eligible to be considered for specialist’s post/faculty in any hospital including a training/teaching institution on a teaching post/as faculty member/teacher/assistant professor/Lecturer. Guidelines regarding accreditation of the institute and in selection of the residents is purely done on rules and regulations issued by the NBE from time to time. The programs are available in various Diplomats National Board specialties in Delhi/NCR, India.

The following are the DNB courses offered:

S. No. Name of the Speciality No. of Seat Duration
1. DrNB Gastroenterology 02 3 Years
2. DrNB Nephrology 02 3 Years
3. DrNB Genito Urinary Surgery (Urology) 01 3 Years
4. DrNB Cardiology 01 3 Years
5. DNB General Surgery 01 3 Years
6. DNB Respiratory Medicine (Post MBBS) 01 3 Years
7. DNB Respiratory Medicine (Post Diploma) 01 2 Years
8. DrNB Critical Care Medicine 01 3 Years
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