All You Need To Know About Skin Cancer


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 All You Need To Know About Skin Cancer

The word cancer makes you feel uncomfortable. But did you know that having scars or moles on your skin can cause cancer? It is crucial to decide on unnecessary faults or moles on your skin. Many people ask what skin cancer looks like and what are the symptoms. In this blog, you will know the answers to all questions about skin cancer.


Skin cancer is among the most common form of cancer. It occurs because of irregular skin cell growth. By looking at the cells, doctors can quickly identify the type of skin cancer.

What is Skin Cancer?

Skin cancer is the result of abnormal skin cells. It is easily identifiable and occurs because of the mutation in the DNA induced by the Ultraviolet (UV) rays and affects the epidermis of the cell. There is a rapid multiplication of cancer cells that form malignant tumours.

Type of Skin Cancer

The skin is a composition of various cells. Whenever a cell gets impaired, it turns cancerous. The cause of skin cancer gets decided by the part of the cell it begins with.

In general, the skin cancer is of seven types which are as follows:

Basal Cell Carcinoma

It is a skin cancer that occurs in the basal region. Later, the old cells are replaced in the lower level of the epidermis. This skin cancer appears on the surface of the skin.

Generally, basal cell carcinoma does not spread on the body. In rare cases, it can be dangerous.

Squamous cell cancer

It is a type of skin cancer that affects the outermost part of the epidermis. Professionals can trace such cells in the lungs and mucous membranes. When squamous cell cancer forms on the skin, it is known as cutaneous squamous cell cancer.

It occurs when the person gets exposed to ultraviolet (UV) sunlight. The condition is easily treatable if you consult the best cancer specialist in delhi on time. If not, the state may worsen and can be dangerous.


It is another skin cancer covering 1 per cent of all skin cancer. This cancer develops from the cell that helps you get complexion, i.e., melanocytes.

They occur because of melanocytes and can appear on any part of the body. Mostly, they appear on the chest and body of men and the legs of women.

Merkel cell skin cancer

The overgrowth of the Merkel cell causes this rare type of skin cancer. Although uncommon, this skin cancer can quickly spread all over the body.

Lymphoma of the skin

The body consists of white blood cells that help fight infections. When there is an overgrowth of Lymphoma cells, it’s called skin lymphoma.

The ACS says it is also known as a cutaneous lymphoma.

Kaposi sarcoma

This type of skin cancer appears in red, brown, or purple patches or tumours on the skin.

These KS majorly appear on the legs, feet, and face. They also appear in the genital area, mouth and lymph nodes. They can quickly spread all over the throat or stomach.

Actin keratosis

These are the patches on the skin with red, pink, or brown. They are not a type of cancer but a condition of precancer.

Symptoms of Skin Cancer

Skin cancers are not identical but may have initial symptoms. The unidentified changes that never occur in your body can be the same. That is why it is necessary to be alert, and you might get the diagnosis on time.

The signs of skin cancer include:

  • Skin Lesions: A new mole, unusual growth, bump, sore, scaly patch, or dark spot are the identical signs that occur but do not disappear.
  • Asymmetry: The two moles but yet not identical.
  • Border: The lesions are ragged and occur with uneven edges.
  • Colour: The spots on the body have unusual colours such as white, pink, black, blue, or red. Perhaps, you might find spots with multiple colours within lesions.
  • Diameter: The size of the spot is 1/4 inches from the pencil eraser.
  • Evolving: You find the mole changing its colour, shape, size, and other symptoms such as itching, pain, or bleeding.

Causes and Risk Factors of Skin Cancer

As we already know, skin cancers occur due to the mutations that develop in the DNA of your skin cells. There are various cases where the cause of skin disease is still unknown. There are most mole types that do not turn into melanomas, and researchers aren’t sure why that happens.

Now, we need to look at various risk factors that cause skin cancer :

UV Light Exposure

The increase in exposure to UV light is a significant factor in skin cancer. The sources of UV light exposure include:

  • the sun
  • tanning beds
  • sun lamps


We have already discussed moles do not always be the reason for skin cancer. But there are also some unidentified types of moles that do develop in melanoma.

Light skin, light hair, and freckling

People having light skin complexion have higher chances of getting exposed to skin cancer. It includes:

  • Naturally red or blonde hair
  • Blue or green eyes
  • Light skin that tends to burn or freckle easily in the sun

Treatment of Skin Cancer

There are various treatments available for the skin cancer depending on various factors that include:

  • size
  • location
  • type
  • stage

Once these aspects are analysed and judged by the dermatologist or the consulting doctor, one of the treatment plans is prescribed. These plans are as follows.


The tissue growth is frozen and destroys that thaws using liquid nitrogen.

Excisional surgery

A surgeon cuts the unnatural growth of the skin and some healthy skin surrounding it.

Mohs Surgery

During the procedure, each layer of the skin is removed one by one and gets examined under the microscope until no irregular cells are visible.

Curettage and Electrodesiccation

A long spoon-shaped blade is used to make cut cancer away, and the nearby cells are burnt using the electrical needle.


This treatment is done to kill skin cancer cells. It can be done/taken orally, applied topically, or injected with a needle or intravenous (IV) line.

Photodynamic Therapy

Laser light and drugs are used to destroy skin cancer cells.


Skin cancers are common, but if not diagnosed on time, they can be life-threatening. Early detection is crucial. PSRI Hospital looked into various parts, including skincare treatment, skincare risk factors, signs of skin cancer and much more. If you are dealing with any type of symptoms that are not disappearing, you must seek professional consultation as early as possible.

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