Weight Loss Surgery – All You Need To Know

In today’s world, being overweight is not considered a basic lifestyle problem. People suffering from obesity must consider it a dangerous disease rather than a light matter. Being overweight can make people suffer from other complications such as diabetes, cancer, hypertension, and other issues. Those who are suffering from such issues might opt for bariatric surgery.
What is Weight Loss Surgery?
Bariatric surgery, also known as weight loss surgery, helps reset the tip of an individual’s overall healthy weight. Weight loss surgery in India is responsible for bringing back individuals to a healthy range of weight from unhealthy weight. It is a major procedure which involves surgical steps, and people are required to meet certain conditions before they undergo surgery.
Usually, there is more than one operation required in the complete procedure. According to doctors or surgeons, there are multiple types of these metabolic and bariatric surgeries. The surgery works in one of the following ways mentioned below.
- Limiting the amount of food your stomach can hold, so you eat less and lose weight.
- Stopping the digestive system from absorbing some of the calories and nutrients in the foods you eat.
- Utilizing both the methods mentioned above
What are the Types of Weight Loss Surgery?
There are three types of bariatric surgeries performed by surgeons. Weight loss surgery in India is done on people according to their needs and best suited for them. Mentioned below are all three types of surgeries.
- Gastric sleeve
- Gastric bypass
- Adjustable gastric band
Both gastric bypass surgery and gastric sleeve surgery are responsible for reducing the size of the stomach from a regular to a small pouch. It helps individuals in losing their weight in two different methods.
- The pouch will fill up fastly so that it will help in restricting the amount of food eaten by a person before they feel full.
- The amount of hunger hormone, also known as ghrelin, is made up to a low level.
Gastric Sleeve Surgery
In gastric sleeve surgery, 80 per cent of the stomach is permanently removed by the surgeons. All the remains are sewn into a small banana-shaped stomach pouch. However, rather than these, no other changes are made inside the stomach.
Gastric Bypass Surgery
Gastric bypass surgery is also known as Roux-en-Y gastric bypass. In this procedure, most parts of the stomach are removed or bypassed along with the first part of the small intestine and a small stomach pouch is designed. The newly designed stomach is then reconnected to the remaining parts of the small intestine.
It is essential to attach the bypassed parts of the stomach to further down the small intestine. It is done so that the acids and digestive enzymes are still produced and provided there. The particular portions removed from the stomach are responsible for absorbing some important calories and nutrients. This part is bypassed so that the absorption of those calories can be avoided. It will ultimately help in weight loss for people.
Adjustable Gastric Band
The third type of bariatric surgery is called gastric band or adjustable gastric band. In this procedure, a small stomach pouch is designed by placing an inflatable band around the portion of the stomach. An individual’s weight loss depends on the size of the opening in between the newly designed pouch and the rest of the stomach.
People can adjust by inflating or deflating the band with the help of a port placed under the abdomen’s skin. The adjustable gastric band can be easily reversed by taking off the band. Those suffering from being overweight can undergo weight loss surgery in India to get the best treatment.
Which Type of Weight Loss Surgery is Best for an Individual?
Everyone is different, and so is their body. The type of weight loss surgery that suits you best depends upon the factors mentioned below.
- Your weight
- Your medical history
- Any condition associated with your health
- Your expectations
Before proceeding with any procedures, the doctors discuss all the above factors. They will also figure out if weight loss surgery is a good choice for you or not. Then, the individuals can together make a decision on which one type of surgery is better suited for them.
What are the Benefits of Having Weight Loss Surgery?
Mentioned below are some of the major benefits of weight loss surgery.
- Long-term remission for type 2 diabetes
- Enhanced cardiovascular disease
- Relief from depression
- Eliminate obstructive sleep apnea
- Relief from the joint pain
- Enhances fertility
- Lessen the chance of having other medical conditions
The Bottom Line
Weight loss surgery was seen as a highly risky surgery a few decades ago. However, it is one of the safest surgeries with a huge success rate. People need to meet certain criteria before getting weight loss surgery. For example, with smaller stomachs, the patients will only intake tiny bites and that too in a slower manner. Many people get weight loss surgery in India to overcome all the problems associated with obesity. People who are suffering from similar issues must visit PSRI, which is the best multispeciality hospital. Explore the website to know more.