A Five-step Guide to Keep Your Liver Healthy

Pablo Neruda needs little introduction but when he pens a poem for specifically an organ you must realize how important that organ must be. In the poem ‘ODE TO THE LIVER,’ Neruda describes the large meaty organ as the one who does all the thankless work and he could not be more right.
Whether it’s about digesting food, cleaning blood, or maintaining metabolism and blood sugar levels the Liver works thanklessly around the clock for us. But then as per the law of nature, it is equally imperative that we don’t overstress it too much, and as such these 5 habits will help you considerably in this regard.
1. Follow a Liver-Friendly Diet
A healthy diet is essential for one and all but when it comes to our liver adding specific foods will contribute significantly to your liver health. Some of these include:
Beetroots & Carrots: For preventing carcinogen injuries.
Lemons: For protecting the liver from toxication. For the best benefits drink warm lemon water regularly in the morning.
Apples and Leafy Vegetables: Apples are your liver’s best friend. They help protect you against fatty liver issues. Spinach, collard greens, Broccoli, and Brussels sprouts are also great for a healthy liver.
2. Exercise Regularly
Your waistline and liver health are anti-proportional. Keep it in check for a healthy liver and the best way to do so is to exercise regularly. Equally effective are morning walks and evening strolls.
3. Limit your Alcohol and Caffeine Intake
While it is best to not drink alcohol at all but then if you drink it is best to drink in moderation for a healthier liver. Again if you love your coffee too much avoid too much sugar or cream with your coffee. Today studies suggest coffee addiction is a key cause of many liver complications.
4. Quit Smoking for Good
There is no moderation here. Either you stop smoking or be prepared to face the possible dire health impacts which include pancreatic cancer too. Other than damage to the pancreas, smoking is known to damage the liver beyond repairs.
5. Drink A Lot of Water
Last but not least, there is no substitute for water when we consider its contribution to the well-being of our overall health. Our body must remain hydrated to prevent toxin attacks on our liver. Also, dehydration can make our blood thicker which will be difficult for the liver to clean and detox.
In addition to the above, there are a number of other things that you must be equally careful about like avoiding anti-liver diseases like hepatitis B or C, keeping a check on your stress levels as well as staying away from false advertising and claims about medications and herbs.
A healthy liver makes a healthy body but if there are symptoms like yellowish eyes/skin, fatigue, appetite loss, Itchy skin, or swelling it is time to visit the best liver transplant center in Delhi. We at PSRI have one of the best Liver consultants in the country. The department is chaired by Dr. Vasudevan K.R, Sr.Consultant & Head Liver Transplantation & G I S, who has ample expertise in the field and has been part of 1200 Liver transplants in his esteemed career.