Most Common Knee Injuries and How To Prevent Them?


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 Most Common Knee Injuries and How To Prevent Them?

The largest joint present in the human body is the knee. Being the largest joint, it is more prone to getting injured. Bones, cartilage, ligaments, and tendons work together to form knee joints. They allow people to bend their legs. All the moving parts on the knee and the sensitive nature of the joint make it most commonly injured with different types.

People suffering from knee pain most likely suffer from one of the most common knee injuries. They must visit the best orthopaedic doctor in Delhi NCR who can provide the best care and treatment.

Most Commonly Found Knee Injuries Among People

Mentioned below are some of the most common knee injuries people face.


When the skin rubs against a rough surface such as cemented or asphalt, abrasion occurs. If a minor abrasion happens, the outer layer of skin or epidermis gets off. It can be easily healed at home. The major abrasions require serious medical attention as they can include bleeding, and more layers of skin might come off.

Knee sprain

When one or more ligaments of the knee get overstretched, the knee sprain occurs. A ligament is a structure responsible for connecting one bone to another. People might experience knee sprain if they fall hard or their knee gets struck by something powerful or heavy. If an individual gets a minor sprain, they can have a proper rest and treat themselves. They might need to consult the best orthopaedic doctor in Delhi NCR if they have:

  • There’s significant swelling
  • Severe pain
  • You have a lot of difficulties moving your knee

Tendon tear

There are two main tendons in the knee:

  • Quadriceps tendon: The quadriceps tendon connects the quadriceps muscle in the front of the thigh to the top of the patella (kneecap)
  • Patellar tendon: The patellar tendon connects the bottom of the patella to the tibia (shinbone)

Patellar tendon tears are more common, and both injuries can result from a fall on the front of the knee or from missing a step and landing badly.

Knee dislocation

A dislocated knee might occur at any time in life. However, it is a serious knee injury that needs immediate medical attention. Knee dislocations usually occur following high-energy injuries such as car accidents, falls from significant heights, etc. Still, low-energy injuries can occur and push the thigh bone out of alignment with the shinbone, causing a dislocated knee. Complications such as blood vessels and nerve damage are not uncommon following a dislocated knee, and they need emergency attention.

Torn meniscus

The rubbery piece of cartilage which is present in between the tibia and femur is known as the meniscus. It is responsible for cushioning and supporting the two bones. When a sportsperson takes a sharp turn in sports such as football or basketball, they might experience a meniscus tear. However, the meniscus tear can also result from a hard fall.

In some cases, people suffering from torn meniscus might undergo surgery if they have persistent pain and swelling. The best orthopaedic doctor in Delhi NCR can help people by operating and treating their knees.

How Do You Prevent Knee Injuries?

Mentioned below are some of the major steps through which people can prevent their knees from getting injured.

Maintain a healthy weight

It is essential to maintain a healthy weight according to your age and size. It will help decrease stress on the knees and reduce the risk of a knee injury. The chances of having osteoarthritis increase if an individual has gained extra weight.

Look how to exercise

The probability of a knee injury increases during workouts in the gym or playing contact sports. There is less chance of getting hurt if involved in low-impact activities such as walking, swimming, etc.

Put on the correct shoes

People can wear comfortable and well-fitted shoes to maintain the correct alignment and balance. For example, high heels badly impact the knees and quads. Wearing pumps or flats is better for the knee muscles. However, wearing comfortable shoes while exercising, running, playing sports, and so on is essential.

Keep stretching

Before going ahead with any physical activity or sports, it is essential to do stretching. It will help not let the pressure come on the knee and kneecap while exercising and reduce the chance of getting knee injuries. People must focus on their hamstrings, quadriceps, calf muscles, etc., which will help them lose their legs.

The Bottom Line

People might get knee injuries while playing sports, exercising, in accidents, after a fall, and so on. The injury might involve ligaments, bones, tendons, scrape, cuts, etc. An injured knee might show different symptoms and pain. The symptoms might include swelling, a feeling of giving away or buckling, etc. In some cases, the injuries can be treated with rest and knee braces if it is minor. However, ligament or tendon tearing might need surgery. People suffering from such issues must visit the best orthopaedic doctor in Delhi NCR. Explore the website to know more.

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