Everything You Need To Know About Urine Infection


Dr. Birbala Rai Designation Hon. Senior Consultant (Gynae.)

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 Everything You Need To Know About Urine Infection

Urine infection or urinary tract infection, also known as UTI, is an issue that is often not talked about out of shame. However, the problem grows and becomes unbearable for someone bearing it for prolonged periods. So, visiting a doctor is crucial without a second thought.

What is Urinary Tract Infection?

It is one of the most common infections in India, given the issues of proper sanitation facilities. But it isn’t so that only Indians suffer. Despite all the facilities, people in already advancing countries face huge health issues too.

It is precisely due to the unhygienic usage of the toilets. Thus, when a person does not flush after using the bathroom facilities and some other human uses that, the microbes get attached to the body causing urine infection.

Importantly, these organisms are so tiny that it’s impossible to see them without using a microscope. So, once a person gets infected only through symptoms. Thereby, body-related problems determine the gravity of the issue.

Causes of Urine Infection

The most prevalent cause of urine infection is bacteria. However, in some cases, fungi also infect people. But in the rarest of rare scenarios, some patients have found themselves getting infected by viruses.

Risk Factors of UTI

There are various reasons that can increase the risk of getting a UTI. It includes:

  • Reduced mobility after prolonged bed rest or surgery
  • Age
  • Kidney Stones
  • Previously exposed to UTI
  • UT obstructions or blockages, including
  • Increased size of the prostate
  • Kidney stones
  • Forms of cancer
  • Diabetes
  • Pregnancy
  • Weak immune system

Risk Factors for Men

Most of the UTIs risk factor is the same for both men and women. But an enlarged prostate may increase the exposure to urinary tract infection.

Risk Factors for Women

It was believed that wiping back to front after using the bathroom increased the exposure to UTIs. But it isn’t the case with female anatomy, says old research.

Shorter Urethra

In females, the urethra is close to the vagina and the anus. Thereby, it increases the chances of urinary tract infections because of the bacteria.

Physical intimacy

Penetrative intimacy can move bacteria into the bladder from the anus. Thereby, it is said that peeing after sex decreases the chances of getting exposed to a urinary tract infection.


The vaginal microbiome disturbs due to spermicides, leading to UTIs.

Use of Condom During Sex

Condoms irritate skin and increase friction during sexual intercourse. It may increase the risk of a UTI.


Diaphragms increase the pressure on the bladder. It decreases the capacity of emptying it, leading to bacterial growth and causing a UTI.

Who Gets Majorly Infected by UTI?

The people at the risk of urinary infection are those with kidney transplants. They are vulnerable and need medical intervention for the slightest discomfort.

Symptoms of UTI

There are various factors associated with urinary tract infection (UTI), as they do not always show signs and symptoms but may include:

  • A persistent urge to urinate
  • Passing a small amount of urine
  • Burning sensation while urinating
  • Blood in urine
  • Change of colour of urine to red, bright pink or cola-coloured
  • Cloudy appearance of urine
  • Pelvic pain in women

Upper Tract UTI Symptoms

The upper tract UTI is life-threatening, as it directly affects the kidney. This condition is Urosepsis, which can cause low blood pressure, shock, and sometimes death. The upper tract UTI symptoms include:

  • Tenderness and pain in the upper side of the shoulders
  • Vomiting
  • Nausea
  • Fever
  • Chills

Diagnosis of a UTI

Based on the reading, if you find that you might be dealing with a UTI, you need to consult your doctor. The doctor will examine you based on the discussion and prescribe some diagnoses. Based on that diagnosis, the doctor will test your urine microbes.

It would help if you got the clean-catch urine to send it for further examination. Your doctor will let you know how to get clean urine in the middle of the urination. The sample is said to be collected in the middle of the urine excretion because it does not collect bacteria and yeast from the skin.

While testing, the doctor will look for white blood cells as they will indicate the infection.

Then, your doctor will perform a culture test to know the culture of bacteria and fungi. It will help the doctor identify the culture, and it will be easy to know the cause of the infection. Thereby, the doctor can easily choose the treatment.


UTIs are a common condition. They can quickly infect your bladder, urethra, ureters, or kidneys. Bacteria can cause it, but other prominent reasons can be fungi and viruses.

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